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Organic Mushroom Grow Kit

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Kits will come in either a black or clear bag, the contents and growing processes are identical between bag colors. 

R&R Cultivation is excited to offer Organic Mushroom Grow Kits perfect for mushroom lovers who want to try their hand at growing gourmet, organic mushrooms in their own home!

Our Organic Mushroom Grow Kits feature the same great mushrooms we sell at Twin Cities farmer’s markets, grocery stores, and co-ops. You can choose between several varieties: brightly colored Oysters, visually unique Lion’s Mane, and versatile golden oysters. Your mushroom kit will be inoculated with the spores of your choosing and ready to start fruiting as soon as you get it home!

Pre-colonized Organic Mushroom Grow Kits are an inexpensive investment and require very little maintenance while producing pounds of mushrooms. Activate your kit by exposing it to the air and watch the tiny mushroom “pins” start to emerge! In a few short weeks, you’ll have your first harvest of delicious, homegrown mushrooms. 

Organic Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions

Click here for PDF Instructions.

Organic Mushroom Grow Kit Fruiting Time

  • Blue Oysters: 2 weeks, then more fruitings every 2 weeks
  • Golden Oysters: 2 weeks, then more fruitings every 2 weeks
  • Lion's Mane: 3 weeks, then more fruitings every 3 weeks

FAQs About R&R Cultivation’s Organic Mushroom Grow Kit

What's the fruiting time for each of these species?

Generally, it will take about two to three weeks for your mushrooms to grow. This depends on the species: 

  • Oyster Varieties – Two weeks to harvest, with subsequent fruitings every two weeks
  • Lion's Mane – Three weeks to harvest, with subsequent fruitings every three weeks
  • Shiitake – Two weeks to harvest. For subsequent fruitings, the block must be completely dried out before soaking in water for 24 hours. You can expect another harvest after two weeks. 

How many mushrooms will the kit yield?

This will depend on the species you choose. In most cases, you should be able to get three to four pounds of mushrooms per kit.

Can I harvest more than once? 

Yes, you can! You'll get subsequent fruitings after your initial harvest, but the quantity of mushrooms you harvest will likely diminish each time.

Are the Organic Mushroom Grow Kits easy to maintain?

Absolutely! The process of growing organic mushrooms at home couldn’t be easier when you use one of R&R Cultivation’s Organic Mushroom Grow Kits. In fact, it’s a completely hands-off process; just sit back and watch your mushrooms grow!

R&R Cultivation

Organic Mushroom Grow Kit


Kits will come in either a black or clear bag, the contents and growing processes are identical between bag colors. 

R&R Cultivation is excited to offer Organic Mushroom Grow Kits perfect for mushroom lovers who want to try their hand at growing gourmet, organic mushrooms in their own home!

Our Organic Mushroom Grow Kits feature the same great mushrooms we sell at Twin Cities farmer’s markets, grocery stores, and co-ops. You can choose between several varieties: brightly colored Oysters, visually unique Lion’s Mane, and versatile golden oysters. Your mushroom kit will be inoculated with the spores of your choosing and ready to start fruiting as soon as you get it home!

Pre-colonized Organic Mushroom Grow Kits are an inexpensive investment and require very little maintenance while producing pounds of mushrooms. Activate your kit by exposing it to the air and watch the tiny mushroom “pins” start to emerge! In a few short weeks, you’ll have your first harvest of delicious, homegrown mushrooms. 

Organic Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions

Click here for PDF Instructions.

Organic Mushroom Grow Kit Fruiting Time

FAQs About R&R Cultivation’s Organic Mushroom Grow Kit

What's the fruiting time for each of these species?

Generally, it will take about two to three weeks for your mushrooms to grow. This depends on the species: 

How many mushrooms will the kit yield?

This will depend on the species you choose. In most cases, you should be able to get three to four pounds of mushrooms per kit.

Can I harvest more than once? 

Yes, you can! You'll get subsequent fruitings after your initial harvest, but the quantity of mushrooms you harvest will likely diminish each time.

Are the Organic Mushroom Grow Kits easy to maintain?

Absolutely! The process of growing organic mushrooms at home couldn’t be easier when you use one of R&R Cultivation’s Organic Mushroom Grow Kits. In fact, it’s a completely hands-off process; just sit back and watch your mushrooms grow!


  • Blue Oyster
  • Lion's Mane
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