Fresh Mushrooms Shipped Nationwide

Join Our Team

If any of these positions sound like a good fit, please email Located in New Hope, MN, R&R Cultivation is an urban farm that grows fresh mushrooms.

There are currently no open positions here at R&R but we are always looking for dedicated mushroom lovers on our team! If you would like to have a pre-interview for future openings, please reach out to us at

a man standing in a warehouse -   R&R Cultivation

Our Work Culture

The work culture at R&R Cultivation is collaborative, fast-moving, and welcoming to everyone. We are a progressive company that values fair-pay for all our employees.

a man in a suit -   R&R Cultivation

New Hope, MN Facility

In 2022 we upgraded to a 25,000 sq ft facility with 20 grow rooms in New Hope, MN. Our urban mushroom farm produces thousands of pounds in mushrooms every week.

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