Easy Grilled Chestnut + Oyster Mushrooms

Summer is here and that can only mean one thing…grilling season! It’s time to clean off your grill and dine alfresco with some deeply charred and flavor-packed R&R mushrooms!

Black Pearl Mushroom Bok Choy

This recipe is inspired by the popular American Chinese beef and broccoli dish we all know and love. Black pearl mushrooms are used in place of beef in this recipe due to their meaty texture and ability to maintain their integrity after marinating and getting stir fried over high heat.

Braised Maitake Mushrooms and Carrots

Partnering maitake mushrooms with carrots is the perfect juxtaposition of textures and it’s also a fun way to add a pop of color to your finished dish. 

Mushroom Gravy Recipe

This mushroom gravy is a wonderful recipe to have on repeat over the weekend as it’s sure to satisfy your brunch-time cravings and give you the fuel to tackle your day as you please. 

Mushroom Pâté Recipe

This R&R vegetarian rendition is a twist on the classic pork or chicken liver meat spread.

Oyster Mushroom Egg Bites

This recipe is courtesy of our friend Olivia over at IG: @liv_3kurtz I’ll admit I’m very late to this craze, but hav...

Gourmet Mushroom Medley: A Symphony of Flavors on Your Plate

What makes mushrooms truly remarkable is not only their individual taste profiles, but also the complex flavors that arise when different varieties are combined and enjoyed in a single dish.

Spiced Cast Iron Chicken and Mushrooms

This recipe yields crispy, juicy chicken and tender, caramelized R&R mushrooms with fluffy rice to round out this dish as a complete dinner. 

Mushroom Extravaganza: Host a Gourmet Mushroom Dinner Party!

Mushrooms, those earthy marvels that flourish in carefully nurtured urban farms like ours, are the unsung heroes of the culinary world. Their diverse flavors, ranging from the robust umami of Shiitake to the delicate sweetness of Oyster, offer a tantalizing canvas for culinary creativity.

Mushroom Crostini

As the cooler fall season approaches, you may be thinking of ways to transition or revamp your selection of hosting recipes. This mushroom crostini will satisfy that quest and appease your guests’ palette at the same time!

Mushroom Marsala Recipe

Mushroom marsala is a great vegetarian dish to incorporate into your weekly dinner rotation. You can skip the labor-intensive step of preparing and tenderizing chicken breasts and instead experiment with a hefty mix of R&R mushrooms, making this a great meatless meal. 

5 Great Vegan Mushroom Recipes

Exploring the Benefits of a Plant-Based Lifestyle Recently, there has been a significant rise in the popularity of ve...

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