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Lion's Mane "Lobster Bites"

Lion's Mane "Lobster Bites"

This recipe is courtesy of our friend Jamie at So Happy You Liked It, a Minnesota Food Blog
Read the full recipe post →

Lion's Mane "Lobster Bites"

As previously mentioned, the beauty of mushrooms is that there are countless ways to enjoy them. If you’re a purist (I KNEW we were kindred spirits…), a quick sauté in some butter or olive oil and a sprinkle of salt may be all you need to whole heartedly enjoy an entire plate to yourself (no judgement).

And I did just that to a beautiful Lion’s Mane Mushroom, which I might as well just start calling “Lobster Bites.”


  • Lion's Mane Mushrooms
  • Olive Oil
  • Butter
  • Salt


  • Rip the mushroom in to small pieces.
  • Add a swirl of olive oil and pad of butter to the sauté pan, and get to work cooking the mushroom in batches, carefully rotating each piece to ensure they brown evenly on all sides.
  • Transfer the warm mushroom to a plate, and sprinkle with large flaky sea salt.
  • Enjoy!
Simple + Delicious. What more could you want?
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